Preparing Your Home Internet for Increased Demand
The kids are out of school for the summer, which means your internet usage is about to increase. Unfortunately, along with the increased demand, streaming […]
Privacy Settings for Smart Home Assistant Users
Smart home assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and its Echo and Dot smart speakers have become extremely popular in recent years. As smart home technology continues […]
Social media scams to watch out for
Social media scams are here for the long run, and the damage is immense. Americans lost $2.7 billion combined to scams originating on social media […]
Tech resolutions for the new year
Use strong & unique passwords for all your accountsSecure passwords are one of the most effective ways to stay cybersafe in the new year. Passwords […]
9 useful computer hacks
Lifehack? We’ll take any we can get, and if it pertains to technology… even better. While we can’t promise that all of these computer hacks […]
Wifi360: More than just good WiFi
WiFi360 is more than just exceptional WiFi. Not only is it equipped to tackle the most common problems people experience in their home WiFi networks, […]
This icon keeps your data safe
Connecting to a website means your information travels from your device to the website. This could include sensitive data like the log in information for […]
Your Wi-Fi router matters
Wi-Fi routers are the gateway to all the great internet things. Think of a router as a lawn sprinkler. Just as an old, clogged up […]
Don’t skip that software update!
Many of us are aware of common cybersecurity barriers like two-factor authentication and strong passwords, but is one being overlooked? Those little pop-up windows that […]
More devices connected to WiFi than ever
WiFi is a hot commodity in today’s world. More household products are dependent on it than ever. It seems as if everything connects to the […]